Ways to Give
Contribute in Kind
To enable us to continue working towards supporting the underprivileged your help is necessary for us.
By contributing in kind you are helping us build our infrastructure and allowing us the capability to make positive impacts on the underprivileged. Our team will assess your contributions and direct it to directly impact a child, a family or an individual in need, or it to use it to strengthen the outreach program itself.
All you need to do is provide your details and a Full Life Children Home will contact you to discuss your contribution and help you to help us.
How you can be part of it?
Monthly Expenses
Support a girl
Medical expenses
Building Maintenance
Sanitary Pads
Shelter Home Rent
Building 2 – 35000₹ or $550USD
Winter clothes
Staff Salaries
27 Staff members – 405 000₹or $6075USD
One Day of Food
3 Months of Stationary and Teaching Materials
School bags
School shows
Yearly School Fees
Girls Outing
Restoration of a girl back home
Rescue a Girl
Kindly fill the following form while writing the cheque
Donate in USA through Global Renewal
Donate in United Kingdom
Write cheque in the name of THE PARTNERSHIP TRUST
Bank name: Lloyds
Bank Account name: The Partnership Trust
Sort code: 30-00-05
Account no: 00936506
The Partnership Trust, 13 The Oakes, Oakes Park, Sheffield S8 8BA
Tel: 0114 2747557 E-mail: tptsheffield@live.co.uk Registered Charity No. 327329
Please use the reference: FLAG0001
+91 11 25810716
+91 9811273880
Call Us
25/1, Basement, 6A Block W.E.A,
SatNagar, KarolBagh,
New Delhi-110005,
Get In Touch
Please submit your queries