The magnitude of child sex trafficking in India is horrific. Our projects operate in Delhi to combat this thieving of innocence.

Our Vision
Our mandate is to prevent, rescue and restore.
Our heart is to create a Godly, loving family environment where the child can heal and grow into their true potential.
Our vision is to see our kids living a full, healthy life; equipped to become the leaders of tomorrow.

Our shelter homes provide housing and facilities for girls we have rescued out of sexually and physically abusive situations. Our main goals are to provide a home for these girls and if safe, restore them back to their families. We provide education and counselling, food and clothing, and a chance to enjoy life through extra-curricular activities.

The vocational training centre in the slum aims to break the cycle of poverty through empowerment of skills. We believe that through this identity transformation, they will be able to move out of the slum area. We seek to work holistically with the families to provide employment opportunities.

Our men's tailoring program seeks to give men living in poverty the skills and employment to support their families. By providing jobs for the men, they can provide for their children, thus preventing them being forced into vulnerable situations such as begging, child labour, and sex work.

Every winter the temperatures drops and hundreds of thousands feel the severe cold that comes with it. A part of the projects of Full Life Children's Home is to source blankets and distribute them through the streets of Delhi. These provide warmth for many.
"No one has ever become poor by giving"
~Anne Frank
We aim to strategically use our resources for the full benefit and empowerment of the disadvantaged, vulnerable people we work with throughout Delhi. We honour every dollar given, and sow it wisely into our projects.
Look No Further. Get Started Today

+91 11 25810716
+91 9811273880
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25/1, Basement, 6A Block W.E.A,
SatNagar, KarolBagh,
New Delhi-110005,
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